Food & Drink Magazine

Guest Post: Vanilla Cinnamon Almond Butter Recipeby Amber Vessey

By Calvin Eaton @glutenfreechef5

Well we made it to the first full week of 2015 and with that comes a guest post from a very special blogger friend that has been super supportive of this blog and all my endeavors. Amber runs the food blog Eats and Exercise by Amber and was willing to share her more than healthy Homemade Almond Butter recipe. I love almonds and I love nut butters which are full of immune fighting antioxidants and protein. Of course everything in moderation so don’t go overboard on your portions as nut butter tend to have a high caloric index. But enough of my nutrition ramblings. Get into Amber’s recipe below and for more healthy nutrition and fitness tips visit her food blog by clicking the image below.

Homemade Vanilla Cinnamon Almond Butter

2 cups of almonds
1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil (Olive Oil can work as well)
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
1/2 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract (most brands are naturally gluten free but always check!)

1. Put almond into food processor and grind until a creamy consistency forms (this is after the big “ball” is swirling around the food processor) BE PATIENT IT TAKES A WHILE :]
2. Add the coconut oil, cinnamon, and vanilla to the mixture
3. Pulse until desired consistency
4. Place in a air tight container, if you plan on eating it within two weeks, you can keep it at room temperature, I always do this because I eat it that fast OR put it in the fridge for longer shelf.

amber vessey
Hi! I’m Amber and I’m ecstatic to be a guest blogger again for The Gluten Free Chef Calvin, especially now that we’re in the same area code!  I don’t let my severe IBS or Celiac Disease hold me back from fueling my body with food that is both delicious AND nutritious, I use it as my inspiration to craft up recipes that are Gluten Free and mostly lactose free. Life’s too short to live off of only salad! I blog over at Eats and Exercise by Amber sharing easy recipes, positive vibes and body image promotion, as well as my love of fitness.
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Photo credits: (almond butter) (Amber) About these ads

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