I proofread menus, public signs and cereal boxes, so today’s guest post is right up my alley! And hopefully you’ll get a laugh or three out of it.
Mrs. PoP is one half of the newlywed personal finance blog, Planting Our Pennies. She loves kittens, sharing good ideas, long runs on the beach, and of course talking money and numbers – especially tracking those belonging to the PoPs! Check out their money progress at plantingourpennies.com.
I was driving behind a construction van for a few miles the other day and something just didn’t seem right. But I was zoned out listening to the radio and wasn’t too bothered by it when it hit me. The tag line on the back of the truck – “Roofing Professionals”. Just like that. In quotes.
As I passed the van and continued on my way, I started cracking up. This had to be one of the more unfortunate uses of air quotes (but in print!) that I have ever seen. “Roofing Professionals”? Why would I want to hire “Roofing Professionals” when I can find honest-to-god roofing professionals. Do you want a “doctor” performing an emergency appendectomy on your sister? No! You want a friggin’ doctor! (Well, unless you’re not really getting along with your sister…)
Crapé Diem!
Another unfortunate misuse is courtesy of one of my favorite bloggers. She runs a travel/sailing/lifestyle blog and on more than one occasion has reminded her readers not to waste their lives and to “cease the day!” Um … I don’t really want to cease my day. At least not for quite a few years yet. I’d much rather “seize the day” by living life to its fullest, rather than stopping my days dead in their tracks.
‘Tis the Season
And since you can’t go five minutes in the US without being reminded that it’s the presidential election season, here’s one of my favorites from the party nominating conventions. Even the liberal bastion of the Huffington Post had to point out that Joe Biden literally misused the word “literally” multiple times in his speech. Luckily the Obama campaign has enough of a sense of humor to go with it and purchased the promoted hashtag #literally on Twitter. Way to have some spirit, Obama campaign. I respect that. (Ed: I also seriously dig the Obama Tumblr. I mean, look at this. Also, Darren Criss?!)
Like the Obama camp, I like to laugh at stuff like this. I know I’m not perfect as a writer. Heck, perfect is so far from where I am it’s not even on the radar. But can’t we still enjoy each other’s foibles and imperfections?
And since they’ve clearly still got it almost 30 years later, I’ll close with The Fixx singing One Thing Leads To Another on Jimmy Kimmel Live a few weeks ago. Let’s all join in singing the chorus with them. “Do what they say, say what they mean…”
Anyone else have any good “aww, they didn’t mean to say that!” moments they’d like to share?
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