This was written by Aaron Whyte, who is currently volunteering for the Wiltshire ACF. Aaron believes that volunteering is a good way to help your community and grow as a person.
Helping others: It’s one of the most rewarding experiences available. In every community exist volunteering opportunities to ease the struggles of those in need. Although many people will donate food for those in the community with none, what some of these distribution centres actually require is manpower. Understaffed facilities are seeing longer lines, longer wait times, and the volunteers they do have, are working much harder.

Spending a few hours a week assisting at a food pantry is sure to create a sense of accomplishment in those that do volunteer. Knowing that their labor has benefited their community is not only a positive action for themselves, but for the community itself. Bringing others up out of their predicament and possibly providing the resources to acquire employment.
After all, how is a person that is hungry ever going to rise out of their situation? When one is focused on where their next meal is going to come from, how much thought is given to employment? They are not, but with a concerted effort from the community to provide for those without the means to provide for themselves, these poor individuals will be given the opportunity to elevate their status. Become employed, and in time, stand in that same place, helping others.
Many times a person will contemplate volunteering, but with a busy life, never follow through. Although well intentioned, it just does not count. Placing some groceries in a bin to distribute is an immense help, but more is needed. (Ed: I’m slightly guilty of this – applied for a volunteer gig last year that I never heard back from, and haven’t followed up any other opportunities since…)
The type of person that volunteers in their community is one that wants to elevate humanity, create a better world for all. To support others is a noble act that will provide infinite rewards. Internal and external benefits are available to those that spend time helping others.
Sometimes, wealth is not the only thing needed. Just as valuable, time is also necessary. Food distribution centres are witnessing a massive influx of those in need. With not enough volunteers to competently manage the centres, it is difficult to provide the services.
Not in my community! In every community there is a need, it might be a hidden need, but every community has residents that occasionally require some assistance. By volunteering in the neighbourhood to provide food for the downtrodden, their plight is made somewhat easier. Maybe, just maybe, they will be able to do the same in the future. Either way, helping other people will be one of the most satisfying endeavours ever pursued.