As a ”Dream Home” series contributor!
Paloma Contreras of La Dolce Vita and High Gloss Magazine invited lil ‘ol me to take you all on a tour of my “Dream Home” – which, as it turned out, was not as easy to put together as I thought! Trying to find images of sleek, contemporary homes with rich, sophisticated, layered, glam furnishings is one tough task. Who knew? So I cheated a little, and put together collages for the various spaces. I’d love to know what you think when it’s live! Please check it out and comment!
A preview:
Oh I should mention, I have THREE Guest Posts this week — for some reason they all fell within the same week! But kinda nice to take a few days off. ;o)
Thank you loyal readers for your support, and for traveling all over the blogosphere with me!