It is a climbing plant with family sapindaceae
Fruit of this plant resembles human eye , with a red shell encasing a black seed covered by a white aril . It is about the size of coffee berry .
It has yellow panicles flowers
Leaves of this plant are divided compound
Fruits are three sided pear shaped with three celled capsules with thin partitions
Seeds are like small horse chestnut half enclosed in an aril , flesh colored and easily separated when dried .
After the seeds are shelled and washed they are roasted for six hours
Steams are pentagonal , puberulent with stem cross section exhibiting a single vascular cylinder
The leaflet blades are elliptic or oblong elliptic , the base is cuneate or attenuate , acute and obtuse to sub rounded on lateral leaflet .
Flowers of this plant are unisexual , zygomorphic , has 5 green sepals , possessing minute glandular hair along the margin .
Kingdom :- Plantae - plants
Subkingdom :- Tracheobionta - vascular plants
Superdivision :- Spermatophyta - seed plants
Class :- Magnoliopsida - dicotyledons
Subclass :- Rosidae
Division :- Magnoliophyta - flowering plants
Genus :- Paullinia
Species :- Cupana
Synonyms :- Paullinia sorbilis
Common Names :- Quarana , Quaranastruik , Guarana , Guarana Kletterstrauch , Brazillian cocoa , Uabano, Cupana , Brazilian cocoa , Uaranzeiro .
1 Malaria 2 Diarrhea 3 Fever 4 Headache 5 Heart problems
6 Improvement of exercise endurance 7 Chronic fatique syndrome
8 Joint pain 8 fluid retention 9 Improvement of short term
10 High intensity perfomance and power 11 Increase urine flow
12 Increasing blood pressure 13 Weight loss 14 Dysentery
15 In food manufacturing , it is used as a flavoring ingredient in beverage and candy.
16 Stimulation Of Central Nervous System :- Due to presence of caffeine it increase the activity of brain and cause mental alertness and wakefulness .
Guarana seeds are collected and roasted to remove the seed coat . Separated from the shell , broken and made into a paste with water and dried for further use.
It can be used in form of powder , sticks , powder , capsules and extracts .
1 English :- Brazilian cocoa , Guarana
2 Brazil :- Guarana sipo , Guarana , Guarana uva
3 Dutch :- Guarana
4 German :- Guarana
5 Peru :- Cupana
6 Venezuela :- Cupana