image: flickr/shandilee
It’s all outta love
Yeah (oh yeah), our southern belles can be moody, bitchy and backstabbing. But its all outta love. Wearing the wrong Victoria Secret thong or using the latest Bath and Body shower gel can throw her into a fury. But what about those things that upset her that’s not so obvious? I’m talking eating the wrong foods. Not controlling our day-to-day stress. And not giving her a chance to just b-r-e-a-t-h-e.
Drop your panties
Go ahead. Take ‘em off. She’ll love you for it. Although this is one thing I’m still trying to get the hang of, I can appreciate the benefits of going commando at times. You should also keep your fruity and flowery fragrances away from her. If you have a sensitive vagina, heavy perfumes can cause reactions.
She has my back
Take a moment to name your BFF (or update it). Because at the end of the day she has your back. With every mood swing, you learn more about yourself and your body. Drink more water. Go pantyless. Eat more greens. And, have more girl talks about the vagina. They are good for building relationships with our friends as well as with our southern BFF.
So you know I’m dying to know — and you gotta be dying to tell me