Work has been crazy busy, as it is the beginning of every month as I make a mad dash to complete financials for the restaurants. Yesterday was just one of those days. Financials are complete but my desk looks like a complete mess from neglected items which stresses me out. Time to clear everything off and go through it one by one.
Dagwood was having a day as well with computer issues so I picked up SK from his office and we got OM. OM is in a whiney stage (aka terrible twos. I wouldn't say it is always terrible but there are defining moments for sure) if something doesn't go his way. Drives us CRAZY! We made a stop to order SK's cupcakes and OM didn't get to unbuckle himself (which by the way he cannot do yet!) and went into meltdown number 1. After threatening of timeout and a pop on the leg he snapped out of it. Or so I thought...
On to the next store to pick up a few more party supplies and meltdown number 2 ensues all because the child cannot push the buggy all by himself. I mean, to keep a meltdown from happening I would happily let him "do it mysef!" but I would rather not spend my time shopping having to pick everything up he knocks off. And I was having no patience, remember, so I was in the let's get in and out mode. After another threat (a trip to the bathroom) he decided it would be much more fun to browse the shelves with big sis who was Miss Happy-go-lucky.
Then we have the smell...yes I am going there so stop reading if it is too much..."Son did you poop in your underwear?" "Yes" "Seriously?!" Me with buggy full of supplies and what did this awesome momma do. Okay, don't judge me too harshly. Just keeping it real. I had left his extra clothes in the car so we made a beeline straight to the bathroom in hopes that it was just a pebble and he wouldn't need a clean pair of underwear immediately because I mean my buggy was full and I didn't want to trapse 2 kids ALL the way out to the car to retrieve clean clothes and trapse ALL the way back in. Horrible mom award, I know. Thankfully, he hadn't exploaded in his pants so he kept the same underwear on since we were ready to check out anyways. For those gasping with hands over the mouth in shock that I would do such a horrible thing to my child; keep in mind that he did survive, did get cleaned up with clean undies on and will not be scarred for life. Probably doesn't even realize what actually happened. Now big sis on the other hand will probably remind me of this such event when I least expect it. Like she will randomly throw out the fact (while giggling uncontrollably) that when Bubby was a baby he peed in my face. She gets the biggest kick out of that! Again, just keeping it real!
After all that drama we head to meet Daddy for dinner. Of course, with our track record so far this evening it couldn't go smoothly. We are independant in our house and like to make others aware of this. The little straw wouldn't go in the milk carton for OM with him doing it himself. You had to punch a hole with the straw and it just wasn't happening. So as any helpful, loving momma would do I take his little hand and try to help him push the straw in. He would be appreciative right? Umm no! "I do it mysef!" "Buddy, Mommy needs to help" "No, I do it mysef" Can you see the downhill spiral approaching? Yep, that ending with an actual trip to the bathroom with one tired, stressed out Momma and he stopped squawling and decided Momma could help and he was going to be nice and eat his dinner. Dinner went smoothly but I even wanted to suck the fun out of icecream for dessert. See at Jason's they have an icecream machine and if the kids eat their dinner they get to have some. OM wasn't eating his fast enough for me so while I thought he wasn't looking I scooped a little bit off the top. Weeeeell, he saw me which led to "I want it big! I want it big!". Finally he decided he was done and we headed to Fresh Market for their Tuesday deal.
Thankfully, that trip went smoothly even though we waited ages to get our meat. They ran out of the ground chuck that was on sale so they went to grind more. Sure, we'll wait on freshly ground chuck. As our luck would have it the grinder decided to stop working! OM and SK were kept entertained with a bucket of ice that they played in. No, I don't care if you play in the ice. Your hands will freeze off but it keeps you calm! I finally look at Dagwood (we had discussed me taking the kids on home) and ask him what time it is and when he said it was 8:30 this came out of my mouth. "Holy cow, yes we are going home NOW!" SK's laughed and for some reason found that hilarious!
So off we go...we still need baths, vitamins, etc in the nightly routine to happen and it's already past bedtime! The kids were both so happy at this point, frozen hands and all, and I really tried to snap out of it. I did get these few pics of them as we were walking to the car.
So how could I be grumpy with precious kids like these two?
Yes, SK is wearing a birthday hat a few days early but who cares, right?
She even got some birthday wishes and we just pretended it was today!
And my sweet boy had a visit from a policeman at school.
All night I heard in his deep voice "I powiceman".
Obsessed with motorcycles.
Took all my power to keep him from jumping on it.
"I ride my motorcycle"
And these sweet babies see Momma and her reactions and learn from me. I need to stop and smell the roses, enjoy the moment, breathe, relax, be still.
So today, I am cleaning off my desk and starting fresh. There is a lot to accomplish when I get home tonight as we prepare for SK's party. She is so excited to clean and help decorate. Praying I can enjoy it and not suck the fun out of it for her. I mean she is having her first sleepover and is turning 6! There is a lot to celebrate and be joyful over!