
Grow Your Business with These Instagram Pro Tips

Posted on the 26 August 2022 by Mustafa Nazmus Sakib @Mustafa41197804
Grow your Business with these Instagram Pro Tips

Instagram as we all know is a popular platform. It has outdone itself and constantly improves its purpose. Marketers have understood its importance and have started incorporating Instagram into their marketing strategies.

With 1 billion users each month, Instagram has the power to influence a large audience. Making it a must for brands. It has the ability to enhance your brand awareness and reach. You can nurture and cater to mass prospects from Instagram.

Social media has become a mandatory part of everyone's lives, the time people spend on Instagram is constantly growing and it is becoming both a social home and a distraction for all. Watch videos, reels, or images, get your hands on a trend or, simply watch recipe videos, Instagram is the go-to platform for everything.

Utilizing this platform to its full potential cannot happen on its own, so here are some strategies that are easy to use and can be incorporated without much time and effort.

Tips to grow your business with Instagram

Let's dig into the strategies that are fun, entertaining, and engaging enough to attract a large audience and help you grow your business.

1. Be consistent and post regularly

To keep your audience hooked to the brand, you need to post regularly. Inconsistency makes users lose interest in the brand and they tend to unfollow you. Posting once a month gets your audience confused and sparks trust issues.

Keeping a consistent path to post stories, reels, videos, and posts on Instagram can help with engagement, without hitting any lulls. Any strategy you make, you need to ensure the frequency and timeline of your posts to maximize reach and engagement.

2. Use social media aggregator platforms

Use social media aggregator platforms like Taggbox to Instagram feed on website widgets. Develop hashtag feeds, or take full advantage of the user-generated content and embed Instagram feeds on your website.

This is an interesting approach to redirect website traffic to Instagram and increase your following. These platforms make it effortless for you to embed widgets on the website and allow you to track the performance of the widget. These insights help you make the necessary improvements to keep your audience hooked.

3. Schedule your posts actively

Posting consistently might not be easy but is critical for growth. Using a scheduling tool can solve this dilemma. For massive growth, planning ahead and scheduling posts is a perfect way. You save time and reduce the stress of posting every day, eliminating the risk of making errors as well.

4. Go live!

Going live on Instagram sends a notification to all your followers, spiking their interest and encouraging them to attend the live session. You can host contests, collaborate with influencers and invite them for a live session. Make sure your script is ready beforehand because the entire thing will be broadcasted live.

This is a great way to boost organic engagement and make yourself discoverable easily.

5. Collaborate with other brands

The best way to enhance your reach is to partner with brands that have a massive follower base. You not only expose your brand to your current audience but also nurture every potential user.

To partner with brands, you need to make sure you approach them with mutual benefits that align with their purpose as well. Your audience needs relevant information, partnering with brands who are in the same industry is your way to go.

6. Organize IG contests and giveaways

Giveaways and contests are pretty famous on Instagram. It gives you more exposure and allows you to grow brand awareness. People love when they get anything for free. This is why these giveaways work best.

You can make a few things a mandatory part of participation like reposting photos, tagging friends, liking posts, hitting the follow button, and much more. This not only increases post engagement but also gets more followers as people tag others who are not the brand's current followers.

7. Post IG stories frequently

Believe it or not, Instagram stories get more impressions than posts. Stories have gained popularity and allow brands to display short glimpses of their updates. Developing stories is easy and gives a plethora of options like chat stickers, polls, question stickers, and much more.

Stories content requires less effort. You can make them stay on your profile for a longer period of time by categorizing them into highlights.

8. Develop a cohesive feed

People love consistency, which is why curating relevant content is the key to growing your brand. Make sure your feed speaks for itself and the brand. Try selecting one color, a font, or background, and use that in all your posts.

By doing so, you create an image of your brand and people notice your content without looking at the profile. Take professional and high-quality photos. Use videos and generate interactive content to keep the balanced vibe of your brand.

9. Give attention to your Instagram bio

The first thing visitors see when they land on your Instagram page is your bio. The bio part of your Instagram page is therefore quite important to pay attention to.

Ensure that the bio on your Instagram account is succinct, direct, and easy to read. Prospective customers will decide whether or not to follow your profile based on the brand-reflective information in your Instagram bio. This makes the bio section of your Instagram page crucial to pay attention to in order to understand your brand better.

10. Identify and research your target audience

Information on the audience and how engaged they are is available to anyone with a business account. Navigate to the menu on your Instagram business account and select Insights to get analytics on your followers and their interaction with your content. Click View Insights for the post you want statistics on to see them.

Your content schedule may be made better with the use of Insights data, which can also be used to pinpoint your target market and determine what is effective.

11. Include hashtags in your content

It would be correct to state that hashtags are everywhere. They are quite effective and support consumers in finding pertinent content. Hashtags are essentially witty words or letter combinations that encourage users to share content related to a business.

Given that individuals may look up hashtags and click on hashtags they come across in posts, relevant hashtags may be a very effective way to stand out. However, be careful to use hashtags that are appropriate for your brand.

12. Don't Underestimate Videos

Adding videos to Instagram can be done in a number of ways. By pressing the bottom-center button on the Instagram mobile app, users may access reels, which are vertical videos.

These short promotional snippets, which can last up to 60 seconds, are a great way to draw attention to new products, show off your services, and engage with customers.

Interacting with your customers through videos is enjoyable. Visuals rather than plain texts increase a person's chance of understanding your content much more effectively by a huge percentage.

Wrapping it up!

Instagram being an influential platform helps bring out creativity and innovation. With the insights feature, you have the power to track the post's performance. You understand your audience better and deliver much more relevant content.

Some strategies that worked well for other similar brands might not work for you. However, Instagram is all about trial and error. You can make mistakes and learn from them. This platform helps you grow your business to a great extent.

With the strategies discussed in the blog, you can enhance customer acquisition, boost your brand awareness, hike conversion rates, and most importantly build trust with social proof.

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