I didn’t do Black Friday. Well, I did, accidentally step into a store looking for something specific, and came away shocked that what I wanted costs so much money. Seriously. I forgot what retail shopping was like!
However, as I’m sitting here with a cup of coffee wading through emails, I can’t help but notice that there are some excellent deals out there for Cyber Monday.
Groupon, especially, is handing out discounts like candy.
Below are a few:
{30% off for Cyber Monday}
Huge deals on spa treatments, fun activities, haircuts, restaurants, and more
{Up to 80% off physical goods}
Fuzzy boots, earphones, fitness trackers, pet beds, kitchen stuff, electronic toothbrushes, and a wide assortment of random stuff
If you’re looking to treat yourself, go for the first deal. Some people (not me!) don’t like getting Groupons for Christmas, but if you set it up to say, “let’s go get our nails done together!” and clandestinely paid with a Groupon, your friend would be none the wiser.
If you want to save big on physical goods, go for the second deal. Your recipient wouldn’t begin to guess that you bought their gift using a coupon, so it’s a double win. Unless you write a frugal living blog that your friends know about. Then they’ll assume you got a deal.