Three weeks ago, I returned from this year’s journey to India. It started already six weeks ago, at Christmas. This time, I did not write any blogposts – I was still a bit groggy from my time in hospital and a heavy cold I caught in Bengaluru. However, it was a beautiful time with profound teachings and rituals, interesting exchanges with group members and some excursions into the surroundings.
It started with the December Call celebration in Bengaluru. End of December we flew to Visakhapatnam for the seminar with members from the West. It started on 1 January and ended on 9 January. This year’s topic was “The Ashwins – Healing Devas”. About 70 members from various countries of the West participated.
There were two excursions, one to Hamsavanam / Ramadri, an environmental development area with a school for poor children, a garden with sacred trees, and a meditation center amidst small temples. The other to the Annavaram temple, which is located south of Visakhapatnam.
Before the start of the Guru Puja celebration we visited, like in the previous years, the Simhachalam temple, this time accompanied by Master Kumar. It is a spiritually very vibrant temple on a hill above Simhachalam. Then followed the 3.5 days of the Guru Puja celebration, which are always very intense, filled with rituals, presentations and exchanges. The days were long and the nights were short. It is a kind of intense inner cleaning and charging of the batteries.
When on 14th, 15th January we set out for our journey’s home, we all felt filled with profound experiences.