During the period of the spring equinox, we – a group of 18 friends of the CVV energy of synthesis – met in the Wendland region of northern Germany for a four-day group living. It was the 13th CVV Sharing meeting.

The “Seminarhof Drawehn” in Kassau is situated on the edge of a small village and it has grown out of an old farmstead. Its center is a beautiful 12-angular building with a spiral roof. Its large windows open a wide view over fields and forests.

During the meeting we followed a rhythm of longer and shorter meditations alternating with sharing in smaller and larger groups and walks in nature.

For this year’s programme, the preparation team had planned more free time for exchanges, and the meeting was also one day longer. We spent the exact time of the equinox in meditation and contemplation on the energy manifesting at the moment of entry into Aries.

We talked in smaller and bigger groups about what moves us, how we keep the inner connection in the flood of information in everyday life and how we live with the influences of the present time.

We also delved into Sri Kumar’s message for the year 2022/23, and a fascinating input on the current planetary constellation seen through the symbolic language of Greek mythology opened up a deeper understanding. Sunday evening, a group member led us through an exercise on the symbols and qualities of the seven rays.

Sunday morning after meditation, we gathered outside for a small fire ritual. Despite the wind and icy temperature, it was a sublime experience to welcome the new year with the fire and the rising sun.

Next year’s meeting will again take place at the same place at the beginning of spring, while a shorter meeting is planned for the autumn equinox 2022 in Hamburg.