
Grinding Noise When Braking: Cause and Solution

Posted on the 10 July 2023 by A2v
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Brakes Make a Grinding Noise when Braking: Understanding the Causes and Solutions

When you apply the brakes and hear a disturbing grinding noise, it's a clear indication that something is amiss. This sound can be unnerving, and it often points to a specific problem: excessively worn brake linings. In this article, we'll delve into the causes behind this issue, explain its consequences, and outline the necessary remedies to ensure your vehicle's safety and functionality.


The grinding noise that occurs when you brake is the result of brake linings that have worn down to the metal. Instead of the usual friction between the linings and the brake disc or drum, the metal components are now rubbing against each other, causing the grinding sound. Depending on whether the grinding noise is coming from the front or rear of the vehicle, it indicates that either the front brake discs or the rear brake drums are affected. Cartech Image When brake linings become excessively worn, they are essentially worn to the bone. This means that they have been neglected for an extended period, and there is nothing left of them to effectively stop the vehicle. This neglect could have serious consequences for both your safety and the overall condition of your vehicle.


Addressing the issue of excessively worn brake linings requires immediate attention. Unfortunately, due to the neglect and severity of the problem, the repair process can be more expensive than regular brake maintenance. Let's explore the necessary steps to resolve the grinding noise issue.

Replacement of Brake Linings:

The first step in rectifying the problem is replacing the worn-out brake linings. It is crucial to use high-quality linings that are suitable for your specific vehicle make and model. Consult a trusted mechanic or refer to your vehicle's manual to ensure the correct selection of brake linings.

Machining of Brake Discs or Drums:

The next step involves addressing the damage caused by metal-to-metal grinding. Brake discs or drums, depending on the location of the noise, may need to be machined. Machining helps smoothen the surface and remove any irregularities caused by the grinding. This process aims to restore optimal braking performance. Cartech Image

Consideration of Disc or Drum Replacement:

In extreme cases where the damage caused by the grinding noise is extensive, your mechanic may recommend replacing the brake discs or drums. This step ensures that the braking system functions reliably and provides the necessary stopping power. Although this option may add to the overall cost, it guarantees a complete restoration of your vehicle's braking capabilities.

Preventative Measures:

To avoid encountering the grinding noise issue in the future, it is crucial to prioritize regular brake maintenance. Here are some preventative measures to keep your brakes in good condition:

Routine Inspections:

Schedule periodic brake inspections with a qualified mechanic. They will examine the brake linings, discs, drums, and other components to identify any signs of wear or damage. Catching potential issues early can save you from more extensive repairs down the line.

Brake Fluid Flush:

Brake fluid plays a vital role in the proper functioning of your braking system. Over time, it can become contaminated or lose its effectiveness. Regular brake fluid flushes ensure optimal performance and help prevent premature wear of brake components.

Brake Pad Replacement:

As part of routine maintenance, replace brake pads before they become excessively worn. Most manufacturers provide guidelines on the expected lifespan of brake pads. Adhering to these recommendations can prevent grinding noise issues and promote the longevity of your brake system.

Driving Habits:

Practice good driving habits to reduce unnecessary stress on your brakes. Avoid sudden or aggressive braking whenever possible. Gradually slowing down and maintaining a safe following distance can significantly reduce wear and tear on your brake linings.


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When your brakes emit a grinding noise, it's a warning sign that should not be ignored. Excessively worn brake linings are the likely culprit, and immediate action is necessary to restore your vehicle's braking performance and safety. By replacing the brake linings and, if needed, machining or replacing the discs or drums, you can rectify the issue. Additionally, adopting regular brake maintenance practices will help prevent future grinding noise problems and ensure the longevity of your braking system. Remember, a well-maintained brake system is essential for your safety and the safety of others on the road.

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