As a footnote to what I posted earlier today about the dire situation LGBT citizens of Russia now face, I want to note this: has started a petition asking NBC to make Rachel Maddow a human rights correspondent for NBC's Olympics coverage. As the petition states,
NBC is fortunate to have such an esteemed, beloved journalist in their family of networks. Bringing her into the Olympics coverage is, frankly, a no-brainer. Do the right thing, NBC, for the Olympics, and for the Russian people. The world is watching.
And I agree. I'm not always convinced that online petitions are effective, but when I do think that they have a good chance of making many people's voices heard regarding a cause I consider critically important, I like to share them here.
This is one of those petitions. You can sign by clicking the second link above, and I ask you please to give serious consideration to doing so, and then sharing the petition in your circles of friends and acquaintances.
Truth Wins Out is promoting this petition, too, and it was through a TWO press release that I learned about it. Thanks for listening!