Food & Drink Magazine

Grilled Corn on the Cob

By Ally @allykitchen

Cook Corn on the Grill

Grilled corn on the cob takes corn to a whole new level! The grilled corn in the husks is steaming tender, delicious with a smokey aroma. Butter up! Cook your corn on the grill and you might not ever do it the boiled in water way again!

Cooking Corn in the Husk

Now you're going to be cooking corn in the husk. The husk serves as an insulator to the heat of the grill and steams the corn kernels.

It's realy important to soak the corn on the cob in cold water. This water adds the much needed moisture to the husks. Soaking also softens the husks and helps reduce the flare up of flames on the grill. Soak at least thirty minutes before grilling. But, don't leave in water more than eight hours.

Southern Grilled Corn on the Cob

Southern grilled corn on the cob is popular. When you throw the corn on the grill, complete in the husks, then you've saved a lot of time and energy. Plus, we Southerners like to shuck our own corn. Gets everyone involved in the process of food being ready to eat. And, think of the time it saves you!

Grilling Corn in Husk with Silk

Don't worry about grilling the corn in the husk with silk. It's all fine. Once the corn is cooked, you simply let it cool somewhat then shuck the corn as you would do normally. You'll pull those silks right off the corn cobs. Some of the silk that's exposed will surely burn and/or singe, but it will be perfectly fine.

How to Grill Corn on the Cob

After you've soaked the corn in the husks, the how to grill corn on the cob is easy peasy! You'll put the ears on a preheated medium heat outdoor grill. Lightly spritz the grill with cooking spray.

You'll turn these ears about every two to three minutes to evenly steam and cook. It takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to fully cook the corn. Remove and cover with a foil tent. The corn will continue to cook. Then once it's cool enough to handle, let everyone grab an ear and start shucking!

Olathe Sweet Corn

One of my most favorite types of corn is Olathe sweet corn. Olathe, Colorado is probably best know for its sweet corn. This is not just any sweet corn! Yes, I've had Silver Queen. Mighty good. And, as a devoted Southern girl, it's hard for me to say there's anything that beats the queen of corn. But, I must say, Olathe Sweet Corn is off the charts GOOD! There's even a festival during the summer in Grand Junction, CO to celebrate this corn! Now Olathe really is a little town in Colorado, and you may be wondering what makes this corn just so great?

Corn in Colorado

According to David Harold in 'Front Range Living', whose father John Harold brokered the deal with Kroger, corn in Colorado is extra special. The Western Slope's warm days and cool nights contribute to the reason why Olathe corn is spectacular. "The climate here is what makes this corn productive." he says, "There's a temperature differential between day and night, 90s in the day, then a drop of 25 degrees at night in the 60s, which makes it sweet and tender. It was bred here so it was made for this's a specialty item and takes some care," David says, "When we pick it and harvest, it's not by machine, but hand picked. That's because of the tenderness of the kernels. We do it over an 8-week period."

Olathe Corn from Colorado

So if you ever have a chance to taste Olathe corn from Colorado, you'll be experiencing a culinary delicacy. Plus, there's a proud history to this corn. It can be traced to the ancient Anasazi who farmed at Mesa Verde then consider yourself among the fat, happy and sassy because it's all of that and more! It's one of my very favorite things about living in Colorado during the summer. Two things folks can't wait for here. Ski season to open and Olathe Sweet Corn to come to market! Try my All American Grilled Steak with your grilled corn!

grilled corn on the cob
grilled corn on the cob

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