Eco-Living Magazine

Greentech News for the Week Ending 7 April 2013

Posted on the 15 April 2013 by Greentech

Your weekly round up of greentech news…

Fridlington Farms in the UK have installed a 190kWp ground-mounted solar system consisting of 790 solar panels. Owners say that the array will substantialy cut the farm’s carbon footprint and lower costs.

Rapid expansion in the solar energy sector has led to dramatic falls in the price of panels.

BP the company that once promoted it’s self as “Beyond Petrolium” has announced the sale of it’s remaining US wind farms. The embattled energy company said that it would be turning it’s back on the renewables sector in order to focus on oil and gas.

The 84MW New Bong Escape Hydroelectric power plant in Pakistan commenced operation. The project is the countrie’s first hydroelectric Independent Power Project.

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