Food & Drink Magazine

Great Tea ...More Than a Bag Or a Few Leaves and Hot Water

By Mariealicerayner @MarieRynr

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I was recently sent some tea to review from the people at Bellevue Tea.  I had specified that I only drink herbal blends, however I was sent both Green and black Breakfast Teas, so I have been unable to try them myself, but I am able to tell you about them.  (As a Latter Day Saint, we don't drink regular tea or coffee, but only herbal blends.  It's a tenant of the Word of Wisdom which is a health law we live by.)
Bellevue Tea is an independent, expert tea company based in London, bringing thirty years' expertise and exerience at the heart of the tea trade to deliver first class products and service.
Bellevue Tea know virtually everything there is to know about the tea business, from plantations around the world, via producers, brokers and tasters to the current trends and tastes of tea drinkers here in the UK.  They know how to source the very best teas and infusions an their carefully packatged tea bags and carefully sourced leaf teas will add value to any retain environment, caterer or cafe.
Great Tea ...More than a bag or a few leaves and hot water
The world of tea is full of infinite and exciting variety, and tea is so much a part of everyday life for a lot of people that it would be quite easy to take it for granted.  The process of getting tea from bush to cup involves many different people and their skills.  Belevue value the work done by everyone who helps bring the teas to the end user. Through their long association with the tea trade they aim to source the finest teas from estates where the workers and the environment are looked after and respected.
Bellevue Teas are available in a range of packs and sizes and all their catering leaf teas are blended here in the UK with great care to ensure that they deliver both quality and flavor.   The people who work at Bellevue live and breathe tea, every single day of their lives.  They are a family business with everyone involved and they simply love their product, which is central to the service they provide.   They are committed to helping their customers and guests to enjoy the very best tea for the very best drinking experience.   For more information do check out the Bellevue Website to find out more about the wide variety of teas and infusions available.  (I would have loved to try the Very Berry or Sweet Orange Rooibos teas, they sound amazing and are caffiene free.)
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Our organic green tea is made using the freshest of leaves hand-picked on the Greenfield estate among the Uva highlands of Sri Lanka. Refreshingly smooth & bright.
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This premium organic breakfast tea is hand-picked on the Greenfield estate in Sri Lanka, where the perfect tea growing climate gives the leaves their bright, distinctive flavor. A refreshing, healthy pick-you-up throughout the day – enjoy this tea on its own, with milk or with a twist of lemon.

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