So have you caught your back to school cold yet?? I am just getting over mine and I am hoping that will be all I have for awhile... Cross your fingers for me.
I started working at a fun local bakery and I am absolutely loving it! There is nothing more wonderful than bringing home freshly baked artisan bread every day. The leaves are starting to fall and change colors and hopefully the weather will start cooling down, 88 today. Seriously? Anyway, I can't wait to see all the fun things that you have been working on. Welcome to A Handful of Everything :) I hope you enjoy the party!
If you haven't already, please give a big hello to my fabulous Co-Host Miss Joy!
Joybee What's for Diner?
See Great Idea Thursday's There too!
Follow Miss Joy Bee:
Come share what you have been doing every week! If you are interested in Co-Hosting this party with us, shoot me an e-mail me: kristascookin {at} gmail {dot} com.
Great Idea Thursday #66
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