Welcome to:
Guess what? No more snow this week! Only rain so back to the regular ol' routine. Which is good and crazy busy at the same time. After having the boys home for practically two weeks in a row going back to work and adding back in basketball, scouts, and everything else seems like a lot. But I guess going from 0-60 can feel that way. I am really looking forward to Valentines next week! I am working on some really special projects coming this month and I am dying to share them with you. I'm hoping to squeeze in as much extra time to finish them up as I can. In the meantime I want to see what you've been doing! Thanks for being fabulous readers and for being patient with my crazy schedule :)
Please give a big hello to my fabulous Co-Host:
Joybee What's for Diner?
See Great Idea Thursday's There too!
Follow Miss Joy Bee:
Great Idea Thursday's #41
Come share what you have been doing every week! If you are interested in Co-Hosting this party with us, shoot me an e-mail me: kristascookin {at} gmail {dot} com.
Valentine's Giveaway!
I can't wait to see all your fabulous ideas this week! Party on :)