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So, growing up in Utah snow was just part of life in the winter. Being in Virginia gives snow a whole new meaning! My boys had a long weekend because of the holiday weekend so there was no school last Monday. They went to school on Tuesday but it was early release because of the snow storm coming in. Over the night we accumulated 2 inches of snow and there was no school. Thursday there was no school because of the ice on the roads and Friday was an already scheduled day off. So I unexpectedly had my kids home all week, which was fun playing in the snow but it totally threw off all my plans. This week Monday was a day off, Tuesday they went to school but had early release because of the snow storm coming and Wednesday morning we woke up to about 6 inches of snow... Are you seeing any similarities here? lol. I'm glad the kids got their snow, they were so sad that they weren't getting any and out front of my house their snow cave and fort are proudly displayed. So despite the lack of school and plans thrown out the window I guess I will roll with it. "Let it Snow!"
Please give a great big howdy to my fabulous Co-Host:
Joybee What's for Diner?
See Great Idea Thursday's There too!
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Great Idea Thursday's #40
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This is what I posted this week:
Honey Bear Counted Cross-Stitch
Granny-Guru: Can I Just Take a Nap?
Strut Your Stuff!