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Millions, Billions & Trillions
When former math teacher, David Adler, started writing math storybooks for children, he set out to explain big concepts. Shapes, word problems, fractions, algebra and Roman numerals.In his brand-new, 2013 book, “Millions, Billions & Trillions,” he tackles big numbers. Parents and teachers may care that it “meets the Common Core State Standards for fourth-grade mathematics in Number and Operations in Base Ten.” Grandparents will delight in its whimsical illustrations and real-world-based representation of how much a million, or billion, or trillion means, after you find out how many zeros there are in the number. He looks at big numbers by comparing them to things around us: • How many pizzas can you buy with one million dollars?
• How many people would it take to have one billion strands of hair?
• How high is a stack of one trillion dollar bills? He looks at big numbers by comparing them to time: How long does it take to count to one million? To one billion? He looks at big numbers by comparing them to each other: How many millions of people are in New York? In California? In the U.S.? For your grandchildren to get a feel for big numbers, before they learn the abstraction in school, introduce them, gently, with fun and imagination, with Adler’s “Millions, Billions & Trillions: Understanding Big Numbers.” You can order Adler’s book from amazon by clicking on the title above or the book cover below.
Carol Covin, Granny-Guru
Author, “Who Gets to Name Grandma? The Wisdom of Mothers and Grandmothers" http://newgrandmas.com