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Grandma's Button Box
This is a story about a girl who spills all the buttons in Grandma’s button box while Grandma is out taking her morning walk. She loves Grandma’s button box because Grandma tells a story about each button.
- Spanish metal button circa 1650-1675, 12mm diameter. (Photo credit: Wikipedi
There are buttons from Grandma’s wedding dress, her own baby sweater. Lost buttons that turned up in the doghouse, the fishbowl, the gerbil’s cage. Buttons from everyone in the family – Grandpa’s suspenders, her brother’s tuba recital.
She and her brother and sister looked all over to find all the buttons that had spilled. And, then came the sorting. They had to try to remember if Grandma sorted them by color, shape or size, and match the number of compartments in the button box.
Join in their adventure to find out what they figured out.
Grandma’s Button Box is part of the Math Matters series published by Kane Press, a publisher founded by Joanne Kane, a former teacher and developer of reading and math materials for the classroom.
Not only are their books designed to be read to children or read independently by children, but, they include additional activities in the back to enjoy with your grandchildren, in this case emphasizing sorting by color, shape and size.
Order your own copy of this book from amazon by clicking on the title, “Grandma’s Button Box,” and share this sweet math adventure with your grandchildren.
Carol Covin, Granny-Guru
Author, “Who Gets to Name Grandma? The Wisdom of Mothers and Grandmothers”