Based on a rather unbelievable true story about turning gamers into race car drivers, could it be done?
Danny Moore has a rather ambitious and quite frankly terrifying idea, to host a competition for gamers with the chance of becoming a real life race car driver and getting a contract with Team Nissan. While this is being negotatied we meet Jann Mardenborough who is an avid gamer from Cardiff and spends pretty much all of his time playing Gran Turismo despite his fathers pleas to leave his room and enter the real world.
Little did they realize just how much his gaming would then change his life as he qualifies for the race to then get into the academy. Although it was never going to be easy putting a gamer into the real car and with quite a lot of persuasion Jack Salter decides to join Danny and see if they can make it work.
The emotional changes with the characters was a very good factor within the film, along with some very impressive driving scenes (and crashes I must add) a nice little mention at the end of the film is that the reak Jann acted as a stunt driver for the film, which I thought was a good touch.
Now I really did find myself being pleasantly surprised by this film and a little bit of regret that I didn’t get a chance to see it at the cinema. I mean I happy ro admit that my full reason for watching was because of Orlando Bloom, fangirl for life here! But anyway I am not a gamer so not into anything like that, I also had no idea of the academy so as storytelling I enjoyed that idea unfolding (and fact checking after).
A lovely surprise of a film which keeps you firmly on the edge of your seat and manages to be engaging from start to finish.