Art & Design Magazine

Graffiti Legends to Takeover Red Bull Studios NYC

By Whatyouwrite @whatyouwrite

Futura, Haze, Keo and other graffiti greats will come together for the Write of Passage exhibition.
Red Bull Studios NYC opened during Red Bull Music Academy but the upcoming Write of Passage project will unveil the full scope of the space’s potential, beyond its role as a state-of-the-art studio.

Write of Passage is a six-week educational program exploring the impact of American graffiti art on global culture. Curated by Sacha Jenkins, one of the premier voices in hip-hop and graffiti writing culture and editorial director of Mass Appeal, Write of Passage also incorporates an art exhibition, serving as the centerpiece to the educational program.

Running October 19 – November 23, the exhibition will celebrate graffiti’s origins and influences, including rare canvasses, vintage apparel and over 100 original graffiti artifacts. The mix of subway artifacts, graffiti writer mementos, photography and groundbreaking artwork will be showcased alongside four interactive installation areas within the exhibition space.

Among the artists with works in the exhibition are Daze and Futura, Haze, who will show rare early sketches, David “Chino” Villorente, Alan Bortman, Chris Pape, Easy, Miss 17, Freedom, Cycle, Fargo, Greg “SP” Lamarche, Krink, Mare 139, Cost, CES, Jay “J.SON” Edlin, Keo, Mark Ali Awfe, False, Tommy Rebel, A-ONE, Dondi White, Serve, Ed “Metal Man” Walker, Kaves, Trap IF, False, VFR, , Cope 2, Daze, Harley Spiller, Haze, Henry Chalfant, Louie KR.ONE Gasparro, YES 2, Samuel Kleiman, Sharp, Todd “Reas” James, Wayne COD, and more.

Write of Passage will be open to the public every Saturday from 1-5 p.m. during the run of the program, at 218 W. 18th St., New York, NY.

here is some pics stolen on Instagram , seems the Tc5-Tmt Battle (Seen vs Skeme) took place during this event too..

Graffiti Legends to Takeover Red Bull Studios NYC
Graffiti Legends to Takeover Red Bull Studios NYC
Graffiti Legends to Takeover Red Bull Studios NYC

Graffiti Legends to Takeover Red Bull Studios NYC
Graffiti Legends to Takeover Red Bull Studios NYC
Graffiti Legends to Takeover Red Bull Studios NYC

Graffiti Legends to Takeover Red Bull Studios NYC

more info here

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