Spirituality Magazine

GraceLife Thoughts – What Does It Mean to ‘defend’ the Faith?

By Mmcgee4

Grace Thoughts

GraceLife Thoughts – What does it mean to ‘defend’ the Faith?

GraceLife Thoughts – What does it mean to ‘defend’ the Faith?

Ask a Christian to “defend the faith” and you get a variety of reactions. “Why does the ‘faith’ need defending? God can take care of Himself.” “How do I do that?” “I don’t want to do that!” “Are you serious? I wouldn’t know how.” “Isn’t that for professionals?” “Me? I’m not one of those ‘apologists.’ I’m just a Christian.”

Whatever your reaction, the fact is that every Christian can and should “defend the faith” in their community “every day.” Here’s an example from something you may have experienced.

When the officer in charge calls a group of soldiers to attention, then to a ready position, the officer expects everyone to move at the command. The command to attention and ready is not just for captains or majors or colonels or generals. It is for everyone preparing for the field of battle – from the new recruit to the oldest soldier.

When a martial arts instructor calls the class to attention, then to a ready position, it is not just for the Black Belts to obey the command. It is for everyone from the new White Belt student to the highest ranking Black Belt. Being ready for battle or self defense is for everyone.

We have a saying in martial arts that you can be attacked “anywhere, anytime, by anyone.” That’s why the first lessons in martial arts deal with the importance of being ready to defend.

We’ll show you how that applies to defending the faith in your community during the next few months.

“Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

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Bible StudyChristian ApologeticsChristianityGod's WordJesus Christ GraceLife Thoughts – What does it mean to ‘defend’ the Faith?

Published by gracelifethoughts

Founder & Director of GraceLife Ministries

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