It hardly seems like nearly a decade has gone by since this album was released. I always listen to it around this time of year; not because of nostalgia or anything, it's just one of my "Summer Spins". Albums like Nada Surf's "High/Low" (Review here: http://ripplemusic.blogspot.com/2014/02/nada-surf-highlow.html) and Radiohead's "Pablo Honey" also make it in there. Maybe those are strange choices for summer, but they just sound like the season to me.
Anyway, maybe I'm biased, but this record really hasn't aged at all. Maybe that's because it's just that good, maybe it's because music hasn't progressed much in the last 9 years. I think the argument could be made either way, but, really, the music on this album is just that good.
I think it was the first record that showed me you could do more with all these new styles of music than what was being done. And there aren't many popular modern styles which aren't represented somewhere, somehow, in these songs. Even down to specific bands (does anyone else hear heavy influences from The Vines in O Green World?)
I just wanted to write a quick little blurb about this, but it's July 4, so I'm going to go eat some catfish, drink some beer, and play with fire.
- Headshot