The new film of director Chandra Sekhar Yeleti has released after a long gap which features Gopichand in the lead, another actor who has been absent for a long time. The premiere show of the film has been concluded and here is the report.
Sahasam is easily the most commercial venture coming from director Chandra Sekhar Yeleti. However he does leave his mark simply because of the way he narrates the film despite its commerciality. His mark is visible in the first half comedy, entertaining scenes that carry a certain naïve charm. In the second half the real adventure unfolds and the comic entertainment takes a backseat for the narrative engagement. Despite the occasional drag and the lack of comedy the film engages. But the problem here is the simple final presentation after creating lots of expectations. Generation of “Is-that-it” kind of feel when one should be wowed or intrigued, is the film’s biggest under doing.
Sahasam is a commercial fare, yes, but not something that one sees regularly and that is the film’s biggest strength and over expectations are going to be its biggest weakness due to the simple nature of presentation. The ‘grit’, ‘feeling of danger’ and ‘great wonderment’ that an adventure genre requires aren’t dramatic enough to completely immerse us into the proceedings and the extent to which one feels this dramatic void could be the eventual deciding factor for the success or lack of it for the film.
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