The congressional Republicans are starting to worry about their rush to repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). They don't yet have a plan to replace it -- and are not even considering a plan to provide health insurance for all Americans. They seem ready to take health insurance away from millions who got it through Obamacare. They are talking about "access" to insurance for all -- not coverage for all (and all access means is that you can buy insurance if you have the money to do that).
Some of them are starting to realize they are playing with fire, and wondering if the repeal could seriously hurt them at the ballot box in future elections. They should be worried. Since they have started the repeal (and now have a president that would sign a repeal), the support for Obamacare has risen in the United States. While Obamacare is not perfect, and most would like to see it improved, they don't want to go back to the bad old days when far too many didn't have health insurance.
As the charts above show -- 96% believe health insurance should be affordable for all Americans, 81% don't want all of Obamacare repealed (30% want it kept as it is and 51% want only parts of it repealed), and 84% don't want it repealed until an acceptable plan to replace it is in place.
The Republican Congress should be afraid. Those are some pretty big numbers opposed to what they are currently doing.
The charts above use information from a new Quinnipiac University Poll -- done between January 20th and 25th of a random national sample of 1,190 voters, with a 2.8 point margin of error.