Google Has been working on the second generation of its Pixel Watch for some time now. This smartwatch can be launched in the market in the coming few months. The tech brand is also launching its first foldable phone at Google I/O 2023 to be held next week, whose video teaser has arrived. At the same time, the company is also working on Pixel 8 Series, which will be launched in the second half of the year. Pixel Watch 2 will be an upgraded version of the company’s first smartwatch. Come, let’s know about Google’s second smartwatch…
Pixel Watch 2 will be launched soon
According to the report of 9to5Google, Google will launch this smartwatch with its next flagship smartphone series. This upgraded model of Pixel Watch launched last year can get 1GB of RAM. Google is about to change the processor of the upcoming watch. Samsung’s Exynos 9110 chipset can be used in this. Apart from this, the battery life and overall performance of the smartwatch will also be improved.
there will be big upgrades
Apart from the hardware of Google’s upcoming smartwatch, the company will also upgrade its software features. It may come with a new design language. For this, Google will make a big upgrade in its WearOS. It will have the facility to capture overnight skin temperature and oxygen saturation states. However, Google will not make any changes to the design of the second generation of its premium smartwatch. Its look and design will be similar to the Pixel Watch launched last year.
Pixel Watch 2 will get thick bezels like the previous model. Its band connector will be the same as the previous model, which means users will be able to use their previous smartwatch strap in it. Pixel Watch 2 can be launched with Google Pixel 8, Pixel 8 Pro. This watch will compete directly with the premium smartwatches of Apple and Samsung.
Features of Pixel Watch
Circular doomed design is available in Google Pixel Watch. The screen size of this watch is 41mm and it comes with health features like sleep, heart rate rhythm monitoring. Apart from this, Google’s watch also supports features like contactless payment, maps and calendar notifications. Calling feature is also given in this smartwatch. Corning Gorilla Glass (R) and scratch resistance feature is available for the protection of its display. It does not deteriorate even in 5 ATM i.e. 50 meters deep water. The price of this Google smartwatch starts from Rs 27,990. The price of the upcoming watch can also be in this range.