Google Pixel Buds A India launch has been officially confirmed, Google’s most affordable earbuds will be available on Flipkart in India. Recently, The tech giant revealed its Pixel Buds A in International Market with impressive features such as IPX4 water & splash-proof resistance, support for up to 40 languages real-time translation, and more.
Google Pixel Buds A India Launch confirmed
Hey there, thanks for your interest. Pixel Buds A-Series will be available on June 17th in the U.S. and Canada, and later in the year for other regions. In India, it will be available through Flipkart but we have no estimated timeline.
— Made By Google (@madebygoogle) June 3, 2021
After spotted on India BIS certification, Google finally revealed that Pixel Buds A will make their debut in India very soon. The Tech giant confirmed the news by replying to a Twitter user. Google tweeted “Pixel Buds A-Series will be available on June 17th in the U.S. and Canada, and later in the year for other regions. In India, it will be available through Flipkart but we have no estimated timeline”.
As earlier mentioned, affordable earbuds have already been announced in International markets, So, the specifications of the earbuds are already known. Google Pixel Buds A comes with custom-designed 12mm dynamic speaker drivers and passive noise reduction. For connectivity, it includes the support of Bluetooth v5.0 and beamforming microphones that reduce the outside noise while calling. The company claims that it can deliver up to five hours of playback time on a single charge and up to 24 hours with the charging case. Additional feature includes IPX4 Water & Dust resistance, 40 languages real-time translation, each earbud measures 20.57×29.21×17.53mm and weighs 5.10 grams.
However, There is no information about the India pricing of the earbuds but it is selling at 99 USD (around Rs.7,241) in International Markets.