Business Magazine

Google Might Actually Get Broken up but It Could Take Years

Posted on the 10 October 2024 by Worldwide @thedomains

Search Engine Roundtable published a very detailed article on the news that the Department of Justice indicated that it was considering a possible breakup of Google as an antitrust remedy to its monopoly ruling. The author mentioned that Google will obviously appeal the decision, which will have this stuck in courts for years. A break up is probably the most strict outcomes of this ruling that anyone expected.

You can read the 32 page document from the DOJ issued last night over here.

The article makes it clear this is not the ruling that will come about later.

What I thought was interesting was on X Google posted how a break up would affect so many jobs and American competitiveness. Those words only get people angry as many small business owners and website creators went on about how Google has destroyed their business. From the HCU update to AI overview to their deal with Reddit, Google is foolish if they think they will find a sympathetic ear.

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