Humor Magazine

Google Image Results for Inappropriate Phrases.

By Bestfunnyblog @bestfunnyblog

Have you ever typed something into Google Image Search and got back what you were looking for along with a bunch of amazing BS? The following is an unnecessary list of pictures that result from the search phrases above each pic.

“Kiss the Tip”


Gay guy on skates with a drunk stripper? No wonder the tip is just being kissed.

Definition of “Kiss the Tip” according to Urban Dictionary: “When something great is expected, but only a very disappointing substitute is received.” -ud

“Trailer Girls”

Google Image Results for Inappropriate Phrases.OK? I guess trailer girls = bondage sheep 

“Tipsy Sue”

Google Image Results for Inappropriate Phrases.

“Mormon Polygamy”

Google Image Results for Inappropriate Phrases.

Well that is quite the age range…

“Chastity Vacation”



Google Image Results for Inappropriate Phrases.…this might be a never ending vacation.

“My F’ing Cake”

Don’t worry. Nobody is going near your cake.

“Not the Father”

Google Image Results for Inappropriate Phrases.She’s obviously “Not the Father…” but she does have a nice ensemble going on.


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