We need to get paid for our hard work, so we apply for the Google adsense program because they are one of the easiest ad networks to make money from.

Google adsense is a cool ad network that’s why more bloggers are applying for an account with them. But still, not all bloggers who applied get approved – and many of the bloggers that do get approved, few of them might end up losing their account. Why? Simply because they violated the terms and services of Google adsense knowingly or unknowingly.
Must Read: 3 Major Reasons Why You’re Not Making Money With Google Adsense
Now, if your account got disabled and you don’t know what to do, I will be showing you a simple guide that will definitely help you get your account reinstated.
If by any reason your account got totally banned, due to selfish reasons, I am sorry to tell you this brother/ sister, your account can not be reinstated.
Why Do Google Adsense disable its publishers account?
→ Simply because you knowingly or unknowingly go against the Google Adsense TOS
→ You failed to watch your Adsense account
→ You see it, but you don’t prevent it
You know – if you’re posting illegal contents (content like; sex, nudity, crack, hack, politics, racist etc.) on your blog, it is better not to add Google Adsense ads on those particular posts or you will receive a warning from the Adsense team and after 3 days, they might disable your account if you do not take care of the issue properly.
And what are the necessary things to take care of?
By following the procedure given in the E-mail sent to you by Google Adsense.
It feels easy right? Even with the procedures laid down by Google, people still fail to take care of the problem properly and after 3 or some more days, they get their account disabled…
How to Get Your Adsense Account Back~
Note: This process will only work for those bloggers who just got the warning message and those bloggers who got temporarily disabled till they rectify their problem.
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Before you write that appeal letter, make sure that you follow the below steps…
Now, let’s assume that your adsense account got disabled… Follow the below steps to reinstate your account back to the way it was

Disable Adsense code on that particular post or page
Now this is it – before you can apply for appeal, you must first remove the post or the page that violated the TOS of Adsense.
But if you love the post and or the post is bringing in some good amount of traffic, then your next choice will be to disable the Adsense on that particular post or page.
Now that we have disabled the ad from serving on our violated page, let’s pause and take care of our blog cache, Shall we?
Clear your Blog’s cache:
Don’t think Google is just going to re-instate your account when you disable their ad from serving on that violated post/page. Your next important step after removing the ad is to take care of your blog’s cache.
Clearing your cache is a way to tell the Adsense crawler that you’ve deleted or stop serving ads on that violated post/page.
Must Read: Google Adsense Won’t Approve Your Blog? Try This Steps!
If you don’t clear your blog’s cache, your blog will still be serving the crawler the cache version of your blog.
So how do you clear your blog cache? You can clear your blog cache by using the W3 Total Cache plugin or the Super Cache plugin. Or if you are the techie kind and don’t use both plugins, you can clean your cache through your cpanel.
Now that we’ve cleared our blog cache, we are going to truly show Google crawler that we’ve deleted or disable the ad on the page by resubmitting or refreshing our site map.
Re-submitting your sitemap might be your quicker process
You can decide to re-submit your sitemap if you want a quicker reinstatement. But if you are not in a hurry, then i’ll strongly recommend you skip this process.
Sometime, it takes days for search crawler to crawl your site and most times when they crawl, they simply access your cache file but thank God we’ve successfully cleared our cache file, right?
Here is what you’ll do: Try to ping that particular post so search crawler will want to re-visit it quicker than they supposed to.
Submit a new sheet of sitemap and wait for some few days before trying to apply for reinstatement…
Writing to Google Adsense for reinstatement of account
When writing to the Adsense team, try as much as possible not to go off-topic, don’t use big grammar and also don’t say those annoying word and most of all, don’t write about your blog’s life history

→ Keep it simple by going straight to the point.
→ Tell them the exact steps you take to rectify the problem
→ Re-assure them that the simple mistake will never happen again
Submit it and wait for your approval… after some business days or 2months later (in most cases) you will get your Adsense account reinstated.
Please Note:
Never ever apply for reinstatement on weekend: Applying on weekend will only delay your blog approval because they do not attend to their publishers on weekends.
Only send your request on week days: Only submit your reinstatement form within the 5 business days (from Monday – Friday)
Don’t violate the rules more than trice or you might not like the fourth message
Keep your account safe and try not to violate the terms of service…
My love note, GO AND SIN NO MORE

Final Note:
I have my account disabled twice and all what a stated above are the things I did to get my account back. I have also reinstated a lot of my friends’ accounts using the above method… so, you should try em’ as well.
There is no secret way to get your Adsense account reinstated… but if you do not do it well, you will only get your Adsense account ban for life.
Let’s talk
Do you use Google Adsense on your blog? Have you in any point got your account disabled? What steps did you take to re-instate your account? Please, I would like to hear from you… so please do shoot your comments by using the comment box below.
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