Don't you just love seeing packages like this, full of chocolate goodies?
Well all this came my way last week from Jolly goods. It's easy to see where they get their name, who isn't jolly on receiving chocolate!
The boxes from Jolly goods can be bought as one off gifts or as a monthly subscription starting at £7.99. There are a few different boxes and each one contains a selection of British chocolates and sweets. They currently have a few Easter box selections too along with the "Make your own" option where you choose your own bars and sweets.
The boxes can be shipped anywhere in the world and so especially good for those who find it difficult to get hold of British confectionery including armed forces or those working abroad who miss their chocolate fix.
The boxes arrive like this
And all the goodies covered in a foil wrap layer to help keep them fresh and less chance of melting.
In my box I revieced 10 individual chocolates and sweet tubes. Unfortunately my kids spotted them too so I had to share and did not end up geting many myself! 😥
All in all its a good subscription service for those who find their favourite chocolates hard to come by or just cant be bothered going shopping for it.