Humor Magazine

Goodbye Game of Thrones Season 4

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss
lap edition 8Game of Thrones ends another season, and what a season it was! Below is a little tune written to Elton John’s Candle In The Wind to help celebrate last night’s season ending episode. It doesn’t give away too many spoilers, but if you’re not caught up by now…whose fault is that?Goodbye Game of Thrones
This season was much better than the last
You redeemed yourself with violence and boobs
While other shows tried to imitate you
For they did not have dragons
And they did not have Joffery’s death
They just ended up flayed like Theon GreyjoyAnd when did Sansa start getting hot?chorus:And it seems to me that George RR Martin
Likes to kill all the cast
Leaving you never knowing who to cling to
When the episode ends
And I would have liked to have a favorite character
But I was shocked like the rest
You killed all that I adored
Even Tyrion’s whoreThe Moutain was tough
But Prince Oberyn just played him
Until his head was squashed like a grape
And that reminds meI wish I had a moon door
And do you think Arya and Sansa
Will ever be reunited
Because we grow tired of the Hound chorus: And it seems to me that George RR Martin
Likes to kill all the cast
Leaving you never knowing who to cling to
When the episode ends
And I would have liked have a favorite character
But I was shocked like the rest
You killed all that I adored
Even Tyrion’s whore Goodbye Game of ThronesJohn Snow defends the wall
As the rest of the Night’s Watch
Bumble and hide
Goodbye Game of Thrones
Can’t wait for next season
But we will have to wait a whole year
With only True Blood to watch I fear(repeat chorus)



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