President Obama with Gabby Giffords
The tragedy of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ being shot and one of the more miraculous recovery stories in recent years have led voters in Tucson, AZ to keep Rep. Gabby Giffords’ (D) seat blue yesterday.
Former Giffords staffer Ron Barber defeated Jesse Kelly, Giffords’ last Republican opponent, in a special election to fill Giffords’ seat (Giffords had to resign after the shooting that left her incapacitated and six dead in January, 2011.) Overcoming a 38.4% to 31.4% Republican lean in the AZ-08 district, Barber will now serve out the remainder of Giffords’ term.
Giffords is still in the process of recovering after being shot point-blank in the head, but was able to play a role in the race. She campaigned with barber in the run-up to election day. Democratic-supporting super PAC - the House Majority PAC - seemed to refer to the tragedy in a television ad focused on Kelly that ran in the district. The PAC also ran ads highlighting Kelly’s extreme views. Kelly — who was the controversial tea party candidate in 2010 — was forced to defend his political postions in the race as well and Barber’s campaign said he ran on his own merits.