Entertainment Magazine

Good Jams Volume V

By Prettylittlemrs @PrettyLittleMrs

December is always a really slow music month for me. Because I mostly spend my time listing to the Country Christmas station on Pandora. There, I said it. I spend a month of my life listening to country renditions of Christmas favorites. No shame. Anyways, here are a few tunes I’m currently loving.

LITTLE NUMBERS // Boy – Their voices are everything together.
BOY GOT IT BAD // Kail Baxley – So smooth.
CONFETTI // Tori Kelly – The entire album is worth listening to. Great workout tunes.
BACK TO YOU // Twin Forks – I can tell this band is going to be a big part of my year.
HAND BACK DOWN // The Devil Makes Three – A big fan of pretty much everything they do.


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