This year, third grade, has been really hard & has progressively got worse so after much discussion & even Jayden going over the pros & cons of Home school Vs. Public School we have decided to take the home school plunge! As of this Thursday my son will be home schooled! It even odd to say/type. I've always been a firm believer in the idea that I was not near smart enough to educate anyone on anything! Lets cross our fingers that I was wrong because I am now a teacher. A teacher; Fixing moldy young minds...or something about molding & young minds anyway! I talk like I'm worried but I really believe he is going to take off like never before. Already I gave him the standard 3rd grade math test orally, just to see where we would be at & he passed with an A. With his crazy love for Science/Chemistry, Egypt, Japan, & the fact that he is a third grader that talks about how bad he wants to go to College already I am pretty confident that we are going to rock the socks off of homeschooling! Honestly I'm more worried about finding time for my wife & I to be 1. alone together (NO, not for THAT reason...dirty minded!) & 2. alone by ourselves! You have to make time for YOU & that's hard to do as it is. We are going to do it though.