What do you think of this MUFFIN TOPS Baking Cups?
We've all seen the "muffin top" look before, but not like this.
Fill these adorable jean-style cupcake pants with your favorite cake batter.
As MUFFIN TOPS bake, they develop that little extra bulge around the middle.
Eat up, it's just a little more to love.
BONUS QUESTION! Who has the best price?
Usually it's the US Amazon site, but sometimes it IS the Canadian or UK site!
Shop USA ~ Shop Canada ~ Shop UK
Check out what the fans on Facebook had to say!:
GOOD IDEA... or WASTE OF MONEY?-- What do you think of this MUFFIN TOPS Baking Cups? We've all seen the "muffin top"...
Posted by Frugal Freebies on Friday, 31 July 2015
NOTE - If any of the above links are not working or the freebies or coupons no longer available, please post a blog comment below and I'll edit it!
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