Family Magazine

GOOD IDEA... Or WASTE OF MONEY? Instant Underpants

By Catherine Mcdiarmid-Watt @frugalfreebies
Image: Archie Mcphee Instant underpants | Just add water | it's better to have damp underpants than no underpants at all
Archie Mcphee Instant underpants
-- These underpants are conveniently compressed into a compact pellet.
Just soak them with water momentarily and they'll loosen up so that you can pull them apart!
And remember, it's better to have damp underpants than no underpants at all!
Each 2-1/2" round tin contains one pellet of disposable unisex underpants.
Fits most children and small adults.
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Good idea - or - Waste of Money?
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