Family Magazine

GOOD IDEA... Or WASTE OF MONEY? Giggle Bug Toddler Tracker

By Catherine Mcdiarmid-Watt @frugalfreebies
Image: Giggle Bug Toddler Tracker | Feel secure at the mall, playground, beach, airport ... virtually anywhere!Giggle Bug Toddler Tracker
-- The Giggle Bug is simple to use and works on the same locating principle as a cordless phone handset finder.
Clip the Giggle Bug to your child's clothing, if your child wanders away or hides; press the button on the fob.
The bug will emit a loud, distinctive, but kid-friendly beep until your child is found and you push the button on the unit to reset.
The Giggle Bug is designed to be used with children 18 months to 6 years old. The range is 75-100 feet indoors and 100+ feet outdoors.
Feel secure at the mall, playground, beach, airport ... virtually anywhere!
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