Society Magazine

Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday, the World's Most Important Days

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
Can you imagine the pit of despair the Disciples felt on Good Friday? To them it was a hellish and confusing Friday. Jesus' separation from the Father while on the cross (Matthew 27:46) is the loneliest and most poignant moment any person ever felt in the history of the universe, bar none.
But the disciples' sudden and unexpected separation on Friday from their spiritual Father they'd been following so hopefully for three years came upon them cruelly and brutally, throwing them all into states of panic, despair, and spiritual depression. Even though Jesus had told them ahead of time, and even though they had studied the scriptures, they didn't understand. To them, it wasn't Good Friday. It was just bad Friday and the seeming end of the long trail of hopes and highs they'd been experiencing for three years with Jesus in discipleship to Him. They did not know as we do, Friday's here, but Sunday's coming!
Good Friday to Resurrection Sunday, the world's most important days
We worship Jesus every day. We worship and praise Jesus collectively in services on Sunday. We exalt Him once a year on Resurrection Sunday. We know Him as Resurrected King triumphant over sin and death!
His ultimate moment will be His return, when every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess (Romans 14:11, Philippians 2:10, Isaiah 45:23).
"The LORD will be king over the whole earth. On that day there will be one LORD, and his name the only name." (Zechariah 14:9)
Everyone will know that Jesus is MESSIAH! Not their spouse, not their work, not their own self. They will finally know the Resurrected Jesus is the only name. He is all names. He is the beginning and the end!
And it started with the cross on Friday.

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