Debate Magazine

Good for America, Good for the Economy.

Posted on the 30 March 2013 by Doggone
For the few who are holding on to their hate and intolerance with both hands -- because that is what it is to deny people civil liberties, no matter how you try to spin it, it's hate -- here's a list of those companies who understand and support REAL liberty.  It's good for business, it's good for the economy, it's good for people.
We're not some antiquated 19th century pseudo-theocracy, catering to right wing ignorance and badly informed religious bias.
Funny thing - those companies, like Chick-fil-A that have come out against same sex oriented individuals? That hasn't worked out well for them financially.  So, by all means - boycott away. It won't make any difference. Opposition to marriage equality is losing; it's just a matter of time, a matter of what is fair and right (not right wing).
Good for America, good for the economy.

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