Books Magazine

GOLD RUSH Dream Cast

By Jcomeaux @LadyWave4
I always love coming up with my dream movie cast for each of my books, and I knew right away who I pictured playing the main characters in my new release GOLD RUSH. Here are some fun facts about the characters and a look at the actors I'd choose to play them!
LIZA PETROV (played by Emily Rudd)
 GOLD RUSH Dream Cast
Hometown: White Plains, NY/Dennis, MA
Favorite Movie: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Hobbies: Writing, reading
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite thing about Braden: His fun and upbeat personality
GOLD RUSH Dream Cast
BRADEN PATRICK (played by Shawn Mendes)
GOLD RUSH Dream CastHometown: Fall River, MA
Favorite Movie: Field of Dreams
Favorite Food: Deluxe pizza
Hobbies: Watching sports, running
Favorite thing about Liza: Her drive and her sense of humor
GOLD RUSH Dream Cast
Check out my pages for my other books for those casts! You'll see lots of secondary characters from GOLD RUSH ;)

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