I’m often asked (since I’ve gone blonde, which I shared my journey from Brunette to blonde here pt 2, here pt 3 and here pt 4) just how to choose the right shade of blonde, as the wrong one will wash you out or can make you look and unflattering shade of pink.
There are things you need to consider when choosing a shade of blonde.
1. How dark your hair is to begin with – to get blonde you have to strip the pigment from your hair. This can be a very harsh process if you have a lot of pigment to strip off. It may severely damage or break your hair. Lightening your hair more than 3 shades can be difficult without damage.
2. Your skin undertone. Because hair has red or yellow pigments to start with, and peroxide exposes those pigments, it’s way easier to get a warm blonde than a cool one. This is why brassiness is so common in blonde or lightened hair. If you have warm undertone skin, then it’s much easier to go blonde (less processes for your hair to go through). If you are cool the process is harder, as to get a cooler blonde, you need to go lighter (towards the more platinum end of the blonde spectrum). The darker your hair is naturally the more red pigment it will have, thus the harder it is to get a cooler blonde. If you are cool, look for ash shades of blonde. If you are warm you can try golden or strawberry shades (depending on just how much warmth you have).
3. A hairdresser who listens and understands you. Now I wish this was not something to consider, but I can tell you that so many hairdressers have wanted to “warm me up” as they don’ t understand how terrible that makes me look. A color specialist who understands the complex chemistry to get your hair blonde is important (I’m really lucky that my hairdresser, Karleigh from Anthony Nitson Hair is great at giving me a flattering hair colour). Changing hair color dramatically can easily go so wrong, which is why I’d suggest only going blonde with a hairdresser, not trying to do it at home with a box.
Watch this video on choosing the right blonde shade
If you are wanting to cover gray hair, if you have less than 25% – 50 gray it’s easy to add some highlights (particularly if you have warm skin) to mask the grey, but if you are cool it tends not to work so well if your hair is naturally darker, then you’re better off masking the gray with a dye that matches your natural hair tone (as is sprouting out your head today). When you hit the 70 – 80% gray point (like I have) then covering with dark becomes so much harder (skunk stripe anyone?) and that’s the point I decided to make the leap to blonde.
Why not play with a hair color tool like I did here before you dye to see what it might look like?