Business Magazine Warns Customers That .Vg & .Tc Domains May Not Be Renewed & Will Be Costly

Posted on the 13 December 2013 by Worldwide @thedomains

In any email warns customers that they might not be able to renew .VG domain names or .TC domain names.

If they are able to renew them they are not going to be cheap

“We previously told you about a dispute at the .TC and .VG domain name registries.”

“We have already suspended new .TC and .VG registrations because of complications at the registry, and we may have issues renewing your domain(s). ”

“Also, effective immediately, the registries have increased the price of renewals: .VG are now $199.99 and .TC are $149.99 per year.”

“We’ll do our best to work with the registries to renew the domains”

We told you about a big issue with .VG and .TC domain names back in March of this year

.VG is the ccTLD for for the British Virgin Islands.

.TC is the ccTLD for Turks and Caicos Islands

You can read our previous posts on those extensions here and here.



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