In this life of unpredictability, we sometimes know what to expect while oftentimes we experience the unexpected.
Once it seems that everything is under control and running smoothly another thing may pop up. Sometimes to the extent that will make one ask “What’s next?!”
When situations or circumstances seem to come at you all at once just give it to God.
When particular occurrences appear to be an overload or too much of a burden- let it go.

Why stress when we can rest our significant matters into the hands of the Lord?
I have noticed at the most troublesome of times there was no actual distress caused to me as I was not troubled by the happenings around me.
In the same, when I did become concerned about events, I was still able to genuinely laugh, be at peace, and persevere with an uncanny strength and confidence although I dreaded going through the undesirable seasons due to being tired of periodic trials.
When we continue to look and seek beyond instead of what gives the impression of an unfavorable condition that stands directly in front of us, we can endeavor to surpass through the aid of the one who has the power to bypass every storm of the weather.