And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:19
It might seem that it is easier said than done. However, I know from experience, though it may be hard for some to “be still”.
To completely let go, step out on faith, and let God lead. It might even appear to be a risk- but it is the best risk one can take. Who better to trust with one’s life than putting it into the hand of God’s?
I am inspired to share this example of good news as a source of encouragement and inspiration with credit to the most-high.
Something happened to me today that I did not expect at all.
In the days prior, I was held by God’s peace and had a vibe of security/assured. Still, not knowing what exactly would turn out.
I received wonderful news.
God is truly unbelievable. I still cannot believe what was revealed to me as real.
No matter how many times I get a blessing, I am still amazed.
God knows our needs and indeed delivers to those of us who continue to believe.
He comes through in ways unimaginable.
I take nothing for granted.
No matter what one may go through in life, worries, or concerns- God is there and he seriously cares.
The Lord is faithful in working it out beyond what we portend or anticipate.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. -Romans 8:28