As part of @Citi this year, they are asking us to share what our goals are to #StandForProgress in support of the #RIO2016 #Olympics! I'm aiming to share some goals that I want to accomplish this summer for me and for my family.
1. RELAX- I never spend enough time doing this. Honestly I stress about relaxing sometimes always because I never truly can. With errands to run, pools to be filled up, treats to make, friends to see-- the time is never truly relaxing unless I head to a spa day ( like every 4 years ). I need to do this.

4. Eat healthier- For whatever reason, summer makes me think of cold, rich smoothies and luscious green salads, all of which I'm craving at the moment. I'm not doing it just for bikini season or anything but just that it makes me feel better and showing my two year old that eating healthy is important. Zoodles forever!

5. Be Outside. That may seem silly to some but with Atlanta being super hot in the summer time, I tend to enjoy being indoors when it hits above 90. However, we did purchase an amazing blow up pool a few weeks ago and I know Lily is loving jumping in and out of the water all day. Guess I'll just grab my swim suit and join her!
What are some of your goals this summer?