Entertainment Magazine

…Go Separate Ways

By Zer @the2women

…Go Separate Ways

A simple apology can do a lot.

It can heal, and unfortunately for Netflix Inc. Chief Executive Reed Hastings, it can also release a whole new wave of fury.

Before we get to that fury, let’s take a moment and let the man speak.

“I messed up,” Mr. Hastings wrote on Netflix’s blog. “In hindsight, I slid into arrogance based upon past success.”

Although, in his defense (sort of) his apology was more of a half-apology. It was a “Sorry you didn’t understand the true brilliance of my actions.”

Although, as one of the many non-Netflix users tired of hearing all the whining, I think a, “Sorry you don’t seem to realize that Netflix is a business whose main purpose is to make money,” would have also been appropriate.

For those of you who do not yet know the true brilliance of Hastings’ plan, Netflix will be spliting in two—Netflix (streaming) and Qwikster (DVD by mail).

Okay, all you pissed off customers feel free to reignite your rage. You’ll now be adding a new credit card charge to your monthly statement.


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