We were sent some lovely books last month. New books always bring smiles to the faces of my little ones, after all who doesn't enjoy new books. Our new kids titles come from GMC group children's selection of which there are many. I chose the following titles myself as I thought they would each be suitable for all of my children's age groups.
First for Izebella is a lovely nighttime read called "A celebration of the Seasons" the author is Margaret Wise Brown. Not only is this is a lovely book full of sweet poems and images but it also comes with a CD. The CD plays each of the poems in the book which are wrote by 12 award winning artists. The book of poems and verses goes through all the seasons, with beautiful seasonal images throughout. Bunnies for instance being Spring and the Snowfall verse being Winter. It's a good idea to play the cd at nighttime and look at the pictures and pages together for the non readers. Tho this book is lovely got pretty much all ages.
The back of the book gives information on each of the 12 artists on the CD.
Book RRP £14.99
For Jordanna I chose 2 books that I knew she would like. She has an interest in animals at present so I thought she may enjoy one about reptiles. Slither and Crawl is all about reptiles and features giant lizards, big turtles, crocodiles and lots more.
It goes into lots of detail on each creature with habitat, history, weight and lots more. There are big fold out poster size pages with stunning imagery of the fantastic creatures throughout. This book could be especially helpful with homework or school projects on reptiles. The author of Slither and Crawl is James Arnosky. It's a paper back title and RRP is £5.99.Another one for Jordanna is a fun Activity book by Alain Gree.
Inside are over 50 activities all great for cold days when bored or even at night time before bed. It's suitable for most reading ages although maybe a but young for Ryan being 11. The activities and puzzles include questions and answers, cutting out and making things, spotting objects on pages, mazes and much more.RRP £9.99
Finally two titles for Ryan too. The first one is Don't get caught doodle note book.
It is both written and illustrated by Susan Mcbride. It seems perfect for older boys Ryan's age. It looks just like a notebook but take a little peek inside to reveal pages like these. Ther so much going on with fun quotes and facts, cartoons, unfinished doodles, games, logo designs, secret codes and so much more. Plus of course lots of space for actual notes and note taking. This is the sort of book I would of loved as a youngster and of course Ryan loves it too. We have a large book shelf in our home where we share lots of books, but this one stays put with Ryan for when he's bored.RRP - £14.99
This last book is really for both Ryan and Jordanna as they will both take turns to read it. It's the classic story of both Alice in Wonderland and Alice through the looking glass. The author of course being Lewis Carrol.
This is without a doubt one of the most beautiful editions of this classic tale that I have come across. The story itself needs no explanation as most are familiar. The book is brand new but made to appear like something from a rare bookshop. It comes with bonded leather binding and distinctive gilt edging which is not seen that much these days. It's a truly beautiful classic keepsake both inside and out. Inside the classic story begins. The images portray Alice and friends on many pages and again the book appears like it was wrote many years ago rather than the many more modern versions often found.Such a lovely find this is and a very enjoyable read of the classic story.
RRP £18.99
All of these books should be available in most good book store and also on Amazon. They can also be purchased directly from the GMC group website along with many other new titles.